District 10 Intergroup (Shiacoaa) Meeting Minutes

Owosso, Mi -Oct 4, 2006



It was announced before beginning of meeting that the Wednesday night group in New Lothrop has closed and is no longer meeting. Please note and strike this meeting from your directories.


Sue T.  Chair, opened meeting with a Moment of Silence and the Serenity Prayer


Minutes from August, 2006 were read and approved.


Treasurers Report Ray H Treas.:

District 10

            Starting Balance                        $105.34

            Receivable                                $311.50

            Payables                                   $151.33

            Current Balance                        $265.51

Current balance does not reflect $134.74 paid for change of website host for three years. Treasurer will show on next balance sheet (Dec)

District PI/CPC Committee

            Starting Balance                        $318.00

            Receivable                                $0

            Payables                                   $7.50

            Current Balance                        $310.50

PI/CPC Committee funds are held separate from District funds and are earmarked for use to carry our message to entities outside of A.A.            


Old Business:


Brian McG Workshop Chair stated that he would be receiving confirmation from Christ Episcopal Church in Owosso for use of their hall to conduct our fall workshop Sat, Nov 4th.

The Theme for the workshop is: Ultimate Authority. (See flier for information)


New Business:


Nominations for District Officers and  (2) DCM’s (all except Sect.)

            DCM            Mark S

                        Brian McG

            Chair            Al H

                        Roger C

            Treas            Sue T

Keith C will continue as DCM until his term as Secretary of the DCM Committee at CMIA expires. Bill D will continue as Secretary until January, 2008. Nominations will remain open till election in Dec. It was decided by the District meeting attendees that the person fininshing in second place for Chairperson would become the Alternate Chair.


Todd M noted that District does not have a Grapevine representative (GvR)  and after discussion of the importance of the Grapevine to recovery, the District accepted Todd’s offer to act in that capacity. Thank you Todd, well done!

District decided to allow Todd to act as chair of an ad hoc Grapevine Committee at District for one year pending interest from the groups in this impotant work.


District meeting attendees discussed publishing a list of the groups that contribute to District 10 Intergroup. This suggestion has been presented previously and was  tabled until Dec. when it will become an agenda item under old business.


Next District meeting:


The Way Home Group volunteered to host the Dec., 2006 meeting. The meeting will be held at Christ Episcopal Church, 119 E Oliver St, Owosso on Thursday, Dec7, 2006 at 8:00PM.


Meeting Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer


Thanks to the Fellowship Group for hosting.









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