ShiaCoaa Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2009

Christ Episcopal Church, Owosso

Steve F, acting chair, opened the meeting at 6:34 p.m. with a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer.

Janell J read minutes from the April 1 meeting: Motion to accept seconded; minutes approved with one correction.

Joe F gave the treasurer's report:

4/09 District Treasury: P.I.C.P.C. Treasury

Starting balance $312.81 Starting balance: $276.56

Received: $540.20 Received: $ 0

Paid: $442.58 Paid: $ 0

6/09 Ending balance: $410.43 Ending balance: $276.56

Donations were received from Durand Monday Night, Durand Thursday Night, Durand Friday Night, Durand Saturday Night, Vernon Monday Night, Owosso Wednesday Night, Owosso Saturday Night, Perry-Morrice and Byron Tuesday Night.

Motion to accept treasurer's report seconded and approved.


The 4th annual District 10 picnic is scheduled for Sunday, June 28 at Kerby Road Park. Lunch is at 1; a Red Ball Round, in which one person speaks and then tosses a ball to the next speaker, begins at 3. Joe will take care of purchasing the hot dogs, hamburgers, buns and condiments, which District 10 supplies. Those attending will bring additional dishes. Set-up is between 9 and 10 a.m. Janell offered to prepare a flyer.


Joe told those present that he is running low on checks and asked permission to purchase more. Motion to purchase additional checks seconded and approved. Joe also noted that he has only 112 meeting booklets left. Bill D suggested printing meeting schedules from the Web site as a cheaper way to go.

A motion to name Steve F as permanent chairman of District 10 was proposed. Motion seconded and approved.

There was some discussion of whether those proposing new meetings should bring them before the District due to the fact that new meetings could mean fewer attendees at other, more established meetings, which may result in an inability to support those meetings. The consensus was that those types of restrictions should not be put on meetings because different meetings might attract different people who otherwise might not get the help they need.

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. with the Lord?s Prayer.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7 at St. Mary's Church in Durand.

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