ShiaCoaa Meeting Minutes

February 4th, 2008



Chuck C., Chair opened meeting with a Moment of Silence and the Serenity prayer


Chuck C., Chair read minutes from the December meeting:

                   Motion to accept seconded; minutes approved as read.


Sue T., Treas. gave treasurers report:


            Dec 07            District Treasury:                          P.I./C.P.C. Treasury:

                                   Starting Balance: $192.93                  Starting Balance:  $276.56

                                   Received:              $  26.00                  Received:            $0

                                   Paid:                      $148.85                  Paid:                    $0

                                   Ending Balance   $  70.08          Ending Balance    $276.56


           Donations:    Sat Speaker Mtg – Owosso                                      $20.00

                                   District 10 mtg (Dec.) - Durand                                       $  6.00


            Jan. 08                   District Treasury:                            P.I./C.P.C. Treasury:

                                   Starting Balance: $70.08                    Starting Balance:  $276.56

                                   Received:              $27.25                    Received:            $0

                                   Paid:                      $76.20                    Paid:                    $0

                                   Ending Balance   $21.13                    Ending Balance    $276.56


                                   12 Steps to Serenity Sat Night-Durand                  $20.00

                                   Thursday Night – Durand                                                 $  7.25


Motion to accept Treasurers’ report-seconded-approved                             


PI/CPC Committee funds are held separate from District funds and are earmarked for use to carry our message to entities outside of A.A

 Motion made to accept Treas. report; seconded; and approved as read.


Todd M.  Grapevine Chair

No New Information    


Jamie M. Special Needs Chair

Passed along information that any groups in the District that are interested about the Special Needs Committee or knows any A.A. member who needs the support of this committee is asked to contact Jamie at [edited for website]



Old Business:

The meeting at the stress unit at Owosso Memorial Hospital has started on Wednesday nights from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.       to carry the message of recovery to the potential members in the stress unit. (Also see new business)


New Business:

Rodger C. will contact Bob A. about the Hospital Stress unit meeting to check the status of that meeting and to find out about how groups can “Adopt-A-Month” sending two members in each Wednesday to assume responsibility of that meeting.  Due to security reasons it is believed that it must be the same two members.   More information will be passed along.             


ShiaCoaa District 10 Spring Seminar plans have been finalized.  The theme will be “Carrying The A.A. Message”.  The seminar will take place on April 5th in Corunna at the Corunna United Methodist Church located at 200 W. McArthur St.  The doors open at 9:00 A.M. for fellowship, coffee and donuts.  Start time will be at 10:00 A.M. and ending at approximately 3:00 P.M.  A Coney dog lunch will be served.  Groups are asked to donate a passing dish (i.e. chips, snacks, dessert).

Any questions, comments, concerns may be directed to the Chairman Bill T. @ [edited for website]or Co-Chair Todd M. @ [edited for website]         


The new ShiaCoaa District 10 directories are in the process of being composed, edited, and then printed.  We are reformatting the directories due to the space limitations of the old directories.  We hope to have them available A.S.A.P with a target of the first of March.  The cost of the directories to the groups will be determined after the printing invoice has been received.


Information for the 2008-2009 Eastern United States A.A. Directories published by A.A.W.S is currently being updated by G.S.O.  All groups that have information changes (i.e. G.S.R.’s, phone contact mail contacts, address changes, day and/or times, group name changes, etc.)  MUST be on an official A.A. Group Information Change Form.  The form MUST be forwarded to our CMIA AREA 32 registrar, Pauline N., by APRIL 1st.  Group change forms may be downloaded and printed off the official A.A. website, .   Please have trusted and faithful servant forward that information at the next CMIA meeting or you may contact Todd M @ [edited for website]with any questions.  Better yet,  SEND A GROUP REPRESENTATIVE TO THE NEXT CMIA AREA 32 MEETING, all A.A members are welcome.


Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM; closed with the Lords Prayer. Thanks to the Perry Serenity Group for hosting.


Our next ShiaCoaa meeting will be held Tuesday, April 1st, 2008 in Owosso hosted by the Stepping Together Group at First Baptist Church 114 W. Mason St., Owosso beginning at 8:15 PM.  We look forward to your support!


Remember this is a WE program, encourage your group to send a representative,

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