District 10 Meeting Minutes

Dec. 7, 2005

Lennon, Mi


Mark S. opened meeting with the Serenity Prayer on behalf of the hosting group, The Big Book Study Gp:.


Ray H., Treas. gave the Treasurers report:

PI/CPC Committee: Beginning balance $346.00

Paid Out $0.00

Present balance $346.00

District Treasury: Current balance $381.67

Received $256.50

Paid out $139.91

Current balance $478.26

Treasurer notes-The funds in the Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community are held separate from the general fund as these monies are earmarked for the PI/CPC Committee use only.


Chuck C. gave the PI/CPC report:

District is still working with the Sheriffs Dept in the hopes of establishing a meeting in the County Jail. We will need volunteers to act as outside AA members to facilitate a meeting there once it is in place. Please plan on attending District meeting or contact us if you are interested in taking a meeting to those folks “behind the walls”.


Bill D. Mail Contact for the District presented the Meeting with materials received from GSO, AAWS and the Grapevine. Bill notes that this and all materials received are for the use of the District and the Groups in the District. If your Group would like to know what materials are available, attend District meeting or contact us



Nominations closed for District Officers and election held.

Sue T. was elected, by acclamation, District 10 Chairperson for 2006

Bill D. was elected, also by acclamation, District 10 Secretary



District 10 will be hosting CMIA Jan 8 in Corunna at the VFW Hall and we will need the support of the Groups in the District to assure that we once again host a successful Intra-area meeting.


The District is starting to compile Group updates for the new directories that will be printed in Feb. We need the assistance of the Groups to make sure we have accurate up to date information about your Group prior to printing.


The next District workshop will be held sometime in April and we have been getting some excellent suggestions for the theme.





Bill D., Sec. asked the District to compile a list of addresses of folks willing to accept the responsibility for receiving mail for the meeting they attend. We very much desire to be able to make sure that each Group be able to place a copy of these minutes and announcements of events in the District on the tables of each meeting held in District 10. Please help us in this regard and contact us as soon as possible.




The Open Speaker Meeting in Owosso will not have an open speaker Sat, Dec24 nor Sat, Dec 31. The meeting will be an open discussion meeting and all are welcome to attend.


The annual New Years Eve Dinner-Dance will be held Sat., Dec 31 at the Corunna VFW Hall. Doors open at 6:00PM for a social hour followed at 7:00 with dinner and at 8:00 by an open speaker. Dancing will begin at 9:00.


The structure of a meeting and the role of Group Officers was presented as an item for discussion and became a suggested theme for the Spring Workshop.


These minutes and an archive of past minutes as well as notice of coming events in the District are available on-line at our website, district10area32.org.




The Durand Thursday Night Group volunteered to host the next District 10 Meeting Thurs. Feb 1, 6:30 PM. at the First Congregational Church, 403 N Saginaw St.


The District would like to express our appreciation to the Big Book Study Group for hosting this meeting. Thanks folks!


Sue T. adjourned the meeting and closed with the Lords prayer.


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